Plundering, hacking, spam: How to arm yourself?

The six most common forms of cybercrime:


Software such as viruses and Trojan Horses that nestle in digital files and systems.


Through means of computer hacking a computer system is entered. Through this websites and computer systems can be exploited and shut down.


Through the spreading of false e-mails personal data is acquired from internet users.

*Identity theft

Exploitation of personal data can arise when this is transferred to strangers through e-mail or websites. This is possible through exploitation of your Digi-D code or stealing a copy of your passport. Many companies pretend to help you acquire Digi-D’s, while in reality this is not true.

*DDos attacks

Attacks with the purpose of shutting down a website or internet service by overloading. This usually concerns websites or services from large commercial companies.


Messages are being spread in great numbers with commercial purposes. Through this a trade in e-mail addresses has arisen.

Consequences of cybercrime

Digital crime obviously can have very annoying and negative consequences for enterprises. From stealing money, shutting down the network from a company so that no activities can take place to the damage of reputation. Prevention is better than cure. Therefore, we compiled a list of tips and tricks that can make your digital environment safer.

What can you do? Read our tips here:

1.Knowledge of own ICT-environment

Know what hardware and software is used within the enterprise and what information needs protection.


2.Concern for security in entire enterprise

Make sure the importance of security is known throughout the entire enterprise. The caution you may apply, also needs to apply to employees and colleagues. This is possible through the means of trainings. Trained and informed employees will be more cautious with company –and personal data.


3.Secure digital network

It is essential that the digital network is secured. By installing anti-virus programs and firewalls the computer network will be more secure to malware. Furthermore this security prevents the unauthorized to use this network.


4.Software and hardware up to date

Do not use outdated systems. The most recent updates for software and hardware can ensure that certain malware is kept outside of the computer network.

5.Strong password

Always chose a strong password and vary! Strong passwords are harder to crack and therefore more secure. A strong password has at least 8 characters and is not an existing word, or name of someone from the direct environment or a birth date. A combinations of capitals, small letters and punctuation ensure the security of the password. Pay attention that for different important services you do not use the same password.


Through a scan can be performed to gain an insight in the different criminality risks to your enterprise. Subsequently you will receive independent advice met different security measures that may fit the needs of your own company


From the Spits, Friday 4th of October 2013