Tax Plan 2022

In this article you will find the following subjects, concerning the 2022 Dutch taxes, according to the law tax plan 2022. At this point, this is not yet a definitive legislation. This overview of the tax plan 2022 includes some fiscal Corona regulations that are a continuation of measures taken earlier and have been included in the same legislation.

  1. Income tax tariff and deductions
  2. Decreasing independent deduction within 16 years
  3. Wage taxes: training costs old employees
  4. Corona measures
  5. Partnership taxes
  6. Stock options
  7. Tax obligations joint ventures

1.      Income tax tariff and deductions 2022

Tax brackets and tariffs
The income tax has two brackets currently. The first brackets is taxed with a tariff of 37,07% and the second bracket, starting at an income of €69.398 has a tariff of 49,5%.

For seniors the first bracket tariff is 19.2%. From €35.000 on, the tariff is 37,1%. From €68.507, there is a third bracket, with a tariff of 49,5%.


Deduction tariff max 40% in 2022
The deduction tariff has a maximum of 40% for a number of deductibles. In 2021 this was 43%. In 2023 it will be 37,07%. Below you find a list of deductibles under this restriction.

SME profit exemption, deduction research and development, cooperation deduction, self-employed persons deduction, starters deduction with incapacity for work, strike deduction and the posting exemption.

All taxpayers
Mortgage interest deduction, alimony deduction, gifts deduction, weekend expenses for handicapped children and deduction of specific healthcare expenses.

Education deduction in the income tax
As of 2022, costs for schooling and education are no longer deductible in the oncome tax. From March 1st on, you can instead apply for STAP budget for compensation of schooling costs at the UWV.

For entrepreneurs, different rules apply; education costs made for business purposes are deductible from the profit.

General tax deductions
The general tax deduction will increase with €51 to €2.888. You will receive the maximum amount of tax deduction with €21.318 in income and decreases if you have more income. The deduction is zero with an income of €69.399. For persons with a state pension (AOW), the maximum of deduction as of 1 January, 2022 is €1.494.

Labour deduction
The labour deduction increases with €55 to €4.260. You will receive the maximum labour deduction with an income of €36.360. The deduction is zero with an income of €109.347. For persons with a state pension (AOW), the maximum of the deduction as of 1 Januari, 2022 is €2.204.

Combination deduction (IACK = inkomensafhankelijke combinatiekorting: Income dependent combination discount)
This is a discount for everyone with children below the age of twelve and who works. The maximum amount in 2022 is €2.534 and ranges from zero with an income of €5.220 up to the maximum with an income of €27.350.

Senior deduction
The senior deduction increases to €1.726. The decrease of the deduction above an income of €38.465 will gradually go up to zero with an income of €49.324.

Payout tax credit
When the tax credits are not, or not entirely, cashed in by the partner earning the least, this is paid out to that partner. Provided that the partner earning the most has paid their taxes in full. When you meet these requirements, the right is dependent of your age. Are you born before 1963? Then you are entitled to the complete tax credit of €2.888. When you are born after 1963 than the amount is much lower; €193 to be precise (in 2021 this was €379).

Adjustment Box 3
The tax-free capital will be raised in 2022 to €50.650. The tax rate remains 31%. The deduction for Green Investments (Groen beleggen) is 0,7% of the exemption. (Without fiscal partner this is €61.215. When one does have a tax partner, the exemption is €122.430).

2. Reduction independent deduction in 14 years

The independent deduction is €6.670 in 2020, but will decrease with €360 in 2022 to €6.310 and will gradually decrease over the next 14 years to €3.240 in 2036.

3. Wage taxes

Targeted exemption for working from home
Employees that are working from their homes for a (part of the) day, may receive a tax free compensation from their employer of €2 a day.

Targeted exemption for training costs
When an employer compensates training costs of an (former) employee, than this is free of tax. As of 1 March 2022, it is possible to apply for STAP budget – a subsidy for education costs- at the UWV (the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency). The exchange of gross wage to training costs is also allowed.

4. Corona tax measures

Income that is derived from TLV and the TONK measure, is not taxed for the income tax or the corporate tax. Compensations from the NOW regulation do get taxed though.

5. Corporate tax

Adjustment rate
The corporate tax rate will remain 15% in 2022. Anything above the bracket threshold of €395.000 will be taxed at a rate of 25,8%. See the table below:


When the profit is lower than the bracket threshold, the corporate tax rate is:

Bracket Threshold:

When the profit is more than the bracket threshold, the partnership tax rate is:









Significant importance (aanmerkelijk belang) – BOX 2
When significant importance is the case, then the tariff in Box 2 will remain the same as in 2021, 26,9%.

Approach informal capital structures
Starting in 2022 it is no longer possible to deduct expenses from profit in the Netherlands when the other party will not pay enough taxes abroad on the income/benefit balance within corporations.

Innovation box
The rate remains the same as in 2021 when it comes to income in the innovation box. The rate in 2022 will be 9%. Before 2021 this was 7%.

Return dividend- and gambling tax
As of 2022 it is no longer possible to receive a return of formerly payed dividend- and gambling tax. This was allowed until 2021 when the profit of a company was zero. As off 2022 it is possible though, to settle gambling taxes with future profits.

6. Stock options

At this moment (December 2021) there are plans to change the moment of the raising of tax (wage taxes) to a later moment. A stock option entails the right to buy a share at a later moment at the payment of an earlier determined price. At the exercise of this right (which is the buying of stocks), there is payment of wages. But when the stocks cannot be sold (f.e. in case of a lockup; a duty to maintain the stocks) , the amount must be financed with own resources. For certain organisations, this might be problematic. The aim is to change the moment of raising tax from the moment of buying of the stocks, to the moment of selling. The expectations are that in 2022 a legislative proposal for this change will be done.

7. Tax obligation collaborations

As of 2022, hybrid enterprises that are based in the Netherlands, will be obliged to do tax declarations. The goal is to prevent hybrid mismatches that might lead to not paying taxes.