Pricing company Accounting and Tax, for legal entities (BV)

How we do our work

We  have three goals in our way of working, these are: 

  • You know what you pay
  • Efficient
  • Complete package

As part of the freedome of choice we offer two options you can can choose from: 

  1. We are responsible for the admin, accounting and compliance
  2. Integrated approach for payments and finance managing
  3. Optional extra services


In the table here under you can find the price for 1 and 2. Number 3 is part for larger companies who want to work more integrated, then we would work under our brand Evolupa (


1. Package for companies 

We take care of the administration and tax returns for the company both business and private. The price is based on the revenue and size of the work, we take care of the following:

  • Administration and accounting;
  • Year statement, calculating the taxable profit
  • Tax: VAT returns (Value added tax, BTW or omzetbelasting);
  • Tax: income tax returns.
  • Consult: advise per telephone and email
  • Profit tax (VPB aangifte)

Prices per year or per quarter, excluding VAT:

    Volume of transactions
Name Package Revenue (incl VAT) scale  Normal A lot
Mini 0 - 60.000 604 nvt
Small 60.000 - 100.000                        844                  1.000
Basic 100.000 - 175.000                     1.000                  1.350
Basic plus 175.000 - 300.000                     1.350                  1.500
Middle 300.000 - 900.000                     1.500                  1.728
Middle basic 600.000 - 900.000                     1.728                  2.006
Middle plus  900.000 - 1.300.000                     2.006                  2.500
Big 1.300.000 - 1.700.000                     2.500                  3.165
Big basic  1.700.000 - 2.200.000                     3.165                  4.325
Big plus 2.200.000 - 2.700.000                     4.325                  6.250
Mega 2.700.000 - 3.700.000                     6.250                  7.875
Mega basic 3.700.000 - 5.000.000                     7.875                  9.625
Mega plus 5.000.000 - 7.500.000                     9.625                13.976


For financial holding we have the following prices. For these companies we will do the annual statement, CIT filing and filing with the chamber of commerce.


Revenue & transactions Price per year Price per quarter
Stamrecht BV eenvoudig                         1.240                310
Stamrecht BV complex or 100% investment B.V.                        1.550                387,50
BV without activities                          1.240                310


2. Integration 

Do you want to go further beyond the basis. No problem. We have the Lupabox which will allow you to communicate and archive documents 24/7. We can arrange the payment through batch payments for both national and international payments. This will increase the efficiency and save a lot of time. Through a direct connetion with the bank the data will be shared on a daily basis. Because of this we can report al kinds of outlooks and overviews.

-> Lupabox, here

-> Batch payments, here

-> Abonnement rapportages, here

3. Extra services

We can also do the salaryadministration and help and advise on all HR issues like pension, agreements and leave administration.

-> Salaryadmin and HR, check price here.

-> Income tax, check price here.

Interested? can contact us per info [at] (email) info [at] and telephone +31 20 4123507